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Factsheet developed by Resolve to Save Lives on how and why front of package warning labels can be used to encourage healthy diets.
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Nutrition standards guide developed by Resolve to Save Lives that governments can use to procure healthy foods and beverages purchased, served and/or sold in government settings such as schools, public hospitals, childcare or child development facilities, correctional facilities and government workplaces.
Sodium reduction is the single most important dietary intervention for improving heart health and saving lives. Learn more in this resource developed by Resolve to Save Lives.
A six-step guide developed by Resolve to Save Lives that governments can follow to help reduce sodium consumption at the national level.
Fact sheet highlighting the addition of low-sodium salt to one’s diet to reduce blood pressure and associated risk of heart attack or stroke.
Position paper from GHAI, Resolve to Save Lives and other partners presenting best practices for defining, selecting and using effective NPMs.
This report by GHAI’s Food Policy program reveals how the ultra-processed food industry has aggressively fought against front-of-package labels globally.
From WHO/PAHO Regional Expert Group for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention through Population-wide Dietary Salt Reduction
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This framework summarizes the recommended components of a comprehensive dietary sodium reduction program, and provides links to existing implementation tools, examples of successful programs and other resources.
Resource on the benefits of healthy public food procurement and service policies.
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A document that sets global sodium benchmarks for different food categories to help reduce salt intake using country experiences (released in 2021)
WHO’s monitoring tool that tracks countries’ progress in implementing policies and programs on population sodium reduction
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Step-by-step guide to developing front-of-package labels
Video for Low-salt home cooking from Resolve to Save Lives in China (Chinese with English subtitles) / 减盐科普短片(决心工程中国团队出品)
[NOTE: this link leads to a video download]
Sodium targets for the PAHO region (published 2021)
Salt reduction public service announcement from Resolve to Save Lives in China (Chinese with English subtitles) / 减盐科普短片(决心工程中国团队出品)
A fact sheet about tips on reducing dietary salt intake for Americans
A support package to help countries in the European region to initiate or accelerate efforts towards population sodium reduction
An article that provides an overview of global salt reduction policies in restaurants in many countries
Short guide on potential use of health warning messages on low-sodium salt packaging
Testimonial-style video on the harmful effects of high sodium consumption
A video launched in Ethiopia to increase awareness that excess daily salt intake leads to cardiovascular disease
A set of recommendations for national and international action to limit marketing of ultra-processed foods to children
A communication guide for patients, nurses, and school staff that features steps and approaches to reduce dietary salt intake.
Salt Reduction Guide for Patients (available in Hindi and Telugu upon request)
Sodium Reduction Counselling Guide For Nurses (available in Hindi and Telugu upon request)
Also adapted use in Ethiopia by nurses, patients, school teachers and students (Available in Amharic and Oromiffa upon request)
A report on methods, tools, procedures and key recommendations on how to conduct research into front-of-package labeling
A how-to guide in planning and conducting an effective media advocacy campaign that aims to strengthen public health policies
An article identifying high priority strategies that address reduction of sodium intake through home-cooked food, packaged food, food consumed outside the home
Article presenting the rationale, current evidence on benefits and risks, and implications for using potassium-enriched salt substitutes as a strategy to lower blood pressure
A collection of policies that different countries have in place to reduce children’s exposure to food marketing
A study on the benefits of nationwide potassium enriched salt substitution on cardiovascular health in China
A comprehensive guide to healthy public food procurement resources featuring policy examples from around the world
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A nine-module online course to help policy makers and health advocates design, plan, and implement global sodium reduction interventions at low- and middle-income countries
A report on key considerations and recommendations to the use of front-of-package labeling as an effective policy tool to reduce demand and support for ultra-processed food products with high sodium, fat, and sugar content
A fact sheet presenting evidence and progress of food labelling policies globally
Outcomes of a narrative review conducted to update an earlier descriptive review published by WHO in 2009 on the extent, nature and effects of food marketing
Proposes a framework for a scalable and sustainable approach of low-sodium salt use in the home and identifies challenges and potential solutions for effectiveness of this strategy
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A report on key recommendations and advice to policymakers who are designing and implementing front-of pack food labelling in nutrition policies
A how-to guide in planning and conducting an effective advocacy campaign that aims to strengthen public health policies
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A resource that provides guidance for governments on how to develop, implement, and strengthen a healthy public food procurement or service on a national or sub-national level
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Strategies governments can use to reduce salt consumption—including rationale, steps for implementation, resources needed and examples from around the world.
An informational video that addresses the role of sodium in one’s diet and its effects on cardiovascular health
A media campaign launched in China in 2019 warning people about the dangers of too much salt in their diet and its link to an increased risk of hypertension and stroke. 减盐公益广告(决心工程中国合作伙伴制
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A technical package from WHO designed to assist countries with the development, implementation, and monitoring of salt reduction strategies to reduce population salt intake
Article from the Journal of Clinical Hypertension on evidence for salt reduction
A technical package that offers a rationale and recommendations for a population-based approach to reduce dietary salt intake in adults and children in the Americas
An article that identifies a five-step approach for setting sodium level targets in foods in LMICs
Key Resource
A collection of literature relevant to the science of salt reduction and on sodium reduction interventions