Sample treatment protocols, program implementation guides, monitoring tools and more

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A qualitative study conducted by Resolve to Save Lives determined this poster to be the most impactful for encouraging patients to take their blood pressure medications daily. Forty patients from five different places said they prefer this poster because it shows someone actually taking their medication, which made clear what they needed to do.
Key Resource
Playbook with step-by-step guidance for creating an effective digital tool for hypertension management and other chronic disease programs
One-page summary of key findings from the WHO Global Hypertension Report
Key Resource
WHO’s first-ever report on the global burden of high blood pressure and the progress made to manage the disease
Key Resource
Article from the Journal of American College of Cardiology International summarizing the progress of the first five years of the HEARTS initiative
Study estimating time spent by staff nurses on hypertension and other NCD activities in primary care facilities and time savings from the Simple app
Implementer report on the Simple mobile app from BMJ Health & Care Informatics
Fact sheet outlining the five pillars of hypertension care: simple treatment protocols; access to quality, affordable medications, team-based care and task sharing; patient-centered care; and information systems
Treatment protocol developed by LINKS Grantee, Makarere University Joint AIDS Program
Sample treatment protocol used by RTSL partners in Fujian, China
Executive summary of Resolve to Save Lives’ toolkit to help HIV control programs incorporate a patient-centered approach to hypertension care
Key Resource
A practical guide to a patient-centered approach to integrating hypertension and HIV care using differentiated service delivery
Key Resource
A hypertension control package for the District Health Information System 2 (DHIS2)—a free, open-source health management data platform.
Key Resource
Fact sheet from Resolve to Save Lives with six steps to implementing a successful national hypertension control program.
Updated in 2021
Short video outlining how to choose a blood pressure device
Short video with a step-by-step guide for health care workers on how to accurately measure blood pressure
Hypertension management training resource for health care workers
Video sobre los monitores digitales automatizados para medir la presion arterial
Online training course aimed at program managers and implementers
Online training course for primary care physicians, nurses and others health workers
Key Resource
A six-step guide for program managers starting up national or subnational hypertension control programs
Excel spreadsheet to assist health facilities register new hypertension patients and calculate facility hypertension control rates (download)
A guide that expands upon the WHO’s team-based care module of the HEARTS technical package, providing guidance and resources to assist in implementing team-based care for hypertension at the primary health care facility level
Technical package including process improvements that outpatient clinical settings can implement to improve hypertension control rates
Online training course available in English and Spanish
Example of completed spreadsheet for registering new hypertension patients and calculating facility hypertension control rates (download)
Key Resource
Calculator modeling the impact of cardiovascular health interventions (including improved hypertension control) by country
Article published in the Journal of Clinical Hypertension
Updated guidance on blood pressure measuring devices (2020)
Manual for hypertension program implementers at national and subnational levels
Sample treatment protocol used by RTSL partners in West Bengal, India
Sample treatment protocol used by RTSL partners in Vietnam
Sample treatment protocol used by RTSL partners in Nigeria
Sample treatment protocol used by RTSL partners in Karnataka, India
Sample treatment protocol used by RTSL partners in Bihar, India
Sample treatment protocol used by RTSL partners in Andhra Pradesh, India
Article published in Hypertension
Sample treatment protocol used by RTSL partners in Sri Lanka
Article published in the Journal of Human Hypertension in September 2021
Article published in the Lancet Regional Health – Americas
Case studies on the implementation of HEARTS from 18 countries
Checklist that can be used to survey resources in the clinic setting for a hypertension program
Fact sheet from Resolve to Save Lives on why validated, digital blood pressure monitors are preferred.
Case study of Kaiser Permanente Northern California’s successful hypertension control program published in JAMA
Position statement from Resolve to Save Lives and the World Hypertension League published in the Journal of Clinical Hypertension
Simplified indicators adapted from the WHO HEARTS “S” module by Resolve to Save Lives
Hypertension program monitoring visit checklist
Video for health workers from Johns Hopkins School of Public Health
Fact sheet with commons myths about hypertension
Short video on cardiovascular disease in China / 如何预防中国首要死因:心血管疾病(决心工程制)
Video for health care workers from Johns Hopkins School of Public Health
Video for health workers from Johns Hopkins School of Public Health
Short video from Resolve to Save Lives
Video for health workers from Johns Hopkins School of Public Health
Independent, peer-reviewed list from the British and Irish Hypertension Society
List of recommended devices from Hypertension Canada
Suggested requirements for external validation from Resolve to Save Lives
Journal of Clinical Hypertension article with lessons from Resolve to Save Lives’ hypertension programs
Recommendations for low- and middle-income country settings from Resolve to Save Lives
Short video from Resolve to Save Lives
Video corto de Resolve to Save Lives sobre los protocolos simplificados de tratamiento (con subtítulos en español)
Sample treatment protocol used by RTSL partners in Latin America and the Caribbean
Sample treatment protocol used by RTSL partners in Punjab, India
Sample treatment protocol used by RTSL partners in Telangana, India
Sample treatment protocol used by RTSL partners in Madhya Pradesh, India
Sample treatment protocol used by RTSL partners in Kerala, India
Sample treatment protocol used by RTSL partners in Maharashtra, India
Sample treatment protocol used by RTSL partners in the Philippines
Sample treatment protocol used by RTSL partners in Ethiopia
Sample treatment protocol used by RTSL partners in Bangladesh
Journal of Clinical Hypertension article on lifesaving potential of hypertension control, salt reduction and trans fat elimination
Sample treatment protocol from Resolve to Save Lives
Sample treatment protocol from Resolve to Save Lives
WHO HEARTS package tool for treatment protocol development
Template with proposed members and terms of reference
Fact sheet from Resolve to Save Lives with best practices for clinicians
Poster with tips for taking blood pressure correctly from Resolve to Save Lives
FAQs on hypertension management compiled by Resolve to Save Lives
Commentary published in the Journal of Clinical Hypertension
Key Resource
WHO’s technical package for cardiovascular disease management in primary health care
Annotated bibliography on hypertension control from the US CDC. Last updated in 2018.